Author: Ben Unterman

  • First Person Shouter gets Steamed Up

    New Vancouver, BC based indie studio Narratic Labs is pleased to announce the launch of the Steam page for our game First Person Shouter. This innovative game lets players destroy the world using the power of their rage, activating their screams into world-altering attacks. It’s just like a normal video game, but louder. MUCH LOUDER!!!…

  • We’ve been cooking…

    We’ve been cooking…

    Hello world! Over the last 8 months, we’ve been working on two big projects here at NarraticLabs, and it’s time for them to be revealed! Our first, Games & Interactive Storytelling Summer Bootcamp We’ll be releasing a series of week-long online bootcamps to introduce people to the ideas and techniques behind Games & Interactive Storytelling.…

  • What is interactive storytelling

    What is interactive storytelling

    What is interactive storytelling? Stories are a fundamental piece of human experience. They help us understand our experiences, guide us through our daily lives, and help distract us from the horrors of reality. We have adapted stories to every communication technology invented along the way, and each of those stages created different approaches to how…

  • Non-linear stories

    Non-linear stories

    In our first article on this topic (link here), we listed 4 core attributes of interactive stories. This article dives a little deeper into the first of those: that interactive stories aren’t linear. What does this mean? What are they if they aren’t linear? This list is going to start with the most linear formats…

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Welcome to our new site redesign! We’re still working on a few bugs 🐞. Please 🐻 with us.